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DOC Portalegre

Portalegre is one of the 8 DOC (Designation of Controlled Origin) regions of the Alentejo, but the most distinct due to its originality and character. Here, everything is diferente from the rest of the Alentejo. The soil, the grape varieties, the altitude and the age of the vineyards.

The vineyards are located in Serra de São Mamede, between 600 and 700 meters of altitude, i.e., fresh, elegant, but powerful wines.

The grape varieties used give a great eccentricity to the wines, being many and varied, such as Aragonez, Castelão, Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro, Touriga-Nacional, Moreto, Tinta-Caiada, Alicante Bouschet, Grand Noire and Cinsault, for red grapes. And white grapes such as Arinto, Fernão-Pires, Antão-Vaz, Bical, White Alicante. Malvasia-Fina, Dialgalves, Syria, Rabo-de-Ovelha (sheep's tail), White Galician Muscat, Perrum, Trincadeira-das-Pratas, and others.

The soils are granitic, and the vineyards are fragmented in small portions on the slopes of the sierra, the majority are more than 70 years old.